Content - Sedrun tunnel

Sedrun tunnel

Participation of Media Representatives inside the tunnel at Sedrun

For safety and space reasons, only very few Media Representatives can be present at the actual site of the Breakthrough inside the tunnel at Sedrun. We already thank you cordially for your understanding that we cannot accept all applications.


From 10.45 amAccreditation and change into protective clothing on the Surface Installations Site
11.30 am  First departure of the tunnel train for the Breakthrough site
11.30 am  First departure of the tunnel train for the Breakthrough site
12.30 pm  Dramatisation begins
1.30 pm 

Official part of the Breakthrough Ceremony begins, speeches by:

- Luzi Gruber, Member of Group Management and Co-head of the
  Industrial Construction Division, Implenia
- Dr. Renzo Simoni, Chief Executive Officer of AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd
- Swiss Federal Councillor Moritz Leuenberger, Head of DETEC

1.45 pm Blessing of the tunnel by Pater Vigeli and Reverend Nay
2.00 pm Startup of the tunnel boring machine
2.30 pm Breakthrough, opportunities for photos and interviews
3.00 pm Return transportation of guests to the Surface Installations Site
(Werkhalle event)
4.30 pm Arrival in the Werkhalle at Sedrun


Registration for participation at the event inside the tunnel at Sedrun is mandatory. If you are interested in participating inside the tunnel at Sedrun please inform us no later than September 27, 2010.

You will receive a written reply from us at the beginning of October. Accreditation is only valid on receipt of the written confirmation at the beginning of October and cannot be automatically guaranteed.



